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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1 An American statesman, a Founding Father of the United States, and a signatory to the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution. He wrote the Preamble to the United States Constitution and has been called the "Penman of the Constitution." In an era when most Americans thought of themselves as citizens of their respective states, Morris advanced the idea of being a citizen of a single union of states. He was also one of the most outspoken opponents of slavery among all of those who were present at the Constitutional Convention. He represented New York in the United States Senate from 1800 to 1803. Morris, Gouverneur (I777)
2 1851, 3, Market Lane, Stoke Dameral, Devonport, Devon
1881, Widow of: 36, James Street, Deptford 
Searl, Sarah J (I26)
3 1891, Butcher of 30, Bolt Street, Deptford Seager, Frederick (I530)
4 1911 Census: 22 Chester Road West Hartlepool, Marine Engineer (Sea-going) Tripp, Hubert (I69)
5 1st Duke of Bridgewater Egerton, Scroop (I855)
6 1st Earl of Bridgewater Egerton, John (I858)
7 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lambton, John (I850)
8 1st Viscount Brackley Egerton, Thomas (I859)
9 2nd Earl of Bridgewater, Baron Ellesmere Egerton, John (I857)
10 3rd Earl of Bridgewater Egerton, John (I856)
11 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Lambton, Frederick (I848)
12 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Villiers, George (I852)
13 5 September 1908 to 5 September 1910 - Nurse at Treloar Hospital, Alton.
Census 1911: Living with father 
Easson, Linda (I291)
14 Adopted Goulding, Eileen (I268)
15 Aesopageal cancer - epithelial. J. D. Swallo MD. Crichton, George (I6)
16 Also known as Richard Glover Hovey, Richard (I99)
17 Assumed family memebr from description of Bob Easson as "uncle" by Linda Easson. Easson, Robert (I513)
18 Barber Beecham, Joseph (I57)
19 Believed to have "disappeared in the Gold Fields of nevada in 1881" according to Berenice Patterson. Gouldstone, John Henry (I328)
20 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Crichton-Seager, Emily (I665)
21 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Crichton-Seager, Benedict (I666)
22 Boy in tank shop
Census 1911: General Labourer, Forage Contractors, 351 Evelyn St Deptford 
Seager, Thomas (I466)
23 Bridgend is not shown on modern maps but was probably near to Dundee. The baptism register entry is from Inverarity and there is a Bridgend Street in Dundee. Also, other records show the family in Dundee around this time. Crichton, George (I6)
24 Car crash Crichton, Annie (I516)
25 Census 1851: Not at home
Census 1861: Ships Carpenter, 58 West Street, Deptford
Census 1871: Carpenter, 32 Shore Road, Deptford 
Seager, Thomas (I570)
26 Census 1901: 7 years old
Census 1911: 8 Deptford Bridge, Deptford, Grocery Book Keeper, shown as 18 years old 
Hovey, Lilian Margaret (I141)
27 Census 1911: 69 Alloa Road, Deptford Seager, Elizabeth (I359)
28 Census 1911: 8 Deptford Bridge, Deptford, ironmonger's shop assistant Cuming, George (I110)
29 Census 1911: Age given as 1, 22 Chester Road West Hartlepool Tripp, Sydney (I293)
30 Census 1911: Age given as 24, 22 Chester Road West Hartlepool Easson, Lilian (Dolly) (I292)
31 Census 1911: Biscuit Pakker, 69 Alloa Raod, Deptford Seager, Minnie (I474)
32 Census 1911: Dressmaker, 69 Alloa Road, Deptford Seager, Lily (I481)
33 Census 1911: Widow, 351 Evelyn St Deptford Miller, Eliza Ann (I454)
34 Census 1911: Manufacturers Office Junior Clerk, 69 Alloa Road, Deptford Seager, Maud (I482)
35 CRICHTON Walter Vincent H 1883 Dec Births Sunderland 10a 665  Crichton, Walter Vincent Harvey (I159)
36 CRICHTON William Smith 1891 March Births Sunderland 10a 726  Crichton, William Smith (I162)
37 CRICHTON Winifred 1893 March Births Sunderland 10a 678  Crichton, Winifred (I163)
38 DEATH: 07.40

BURIAL: Funeral at Lanercost Priory, 11.30 
Humphrey, Kathleen Crichton (I196)
39 DEATH: at 00.10

BURIAL: Funeral at Wauchope Hall, Kirk Yetholm, at 11.30 
Humphrey, Margery (I193)
40 Details from Miller, Robert (I464)
41 Details from Burrington, Catherine (I764)
42 Details from Burrington, George (I765)
43 Details from Burrington, George (I766)
44 Details from Southcott, Mary (I767)
45 Details from Fortescue, Mary (I768)
46 Details from Southcott, Jane (I769)
47 Details from Poole, Katherine (I770)
48 Details from Poole, Sir William MP (I771)
49 Details from Poole, William (I772)
50 Details from Family F44

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